Seabreeze Ave House


New House


New House - Street appeal


New House

SAH-1-1280 SAH-2-1280 SAH-3-1280 SAH-4-1280 SAH-5-1280


Seabreeze Ave House

My clients owned a large site that stretched right through from Hanlon Crescent to Seabreeze Ave in Devonport. They wanted to build a new house for themselves on Seabreeze Ave and sell the older house at the other end of the section.

I originally got involved in the project when I was asked to prepare working drawings for a design produced by an architect. However, I discovered that the initial design wouldn’t work as it didn’t take height to boundary constraints into account. The owners requested that I take over the job and create a new design for them.

It was a challenging, extremely steep site, with geotechnical and potential sea inundation issues to contend with, but my clients were very pleased with the outcome.

I designed a house spanning three levels, which are excavated into the slope and step up the site, providing plenty of sunshine and sweeping views over the neighbouring golf course.